Without underfloor insulation, your flooring material is the only thing between you and the outside world. Heat can be lost, and draughts can enter through the floorboards making your home cold and uncomfortable in winter, and hot and stuffy in summer.

Installing insulation in your home will lead to savings, not just monetary savings, but also energy savings. As a result, you’ll save money, make your home more comfortable, and help the environment because you’ll use less electricity or gas. Plus, it also provides the bonus of noise insulation. A win, win, win.

Effective insulation works both ways, preventing outside heat from creeping into your home, and in cold weather stopping the warmth inside your home from escaping outside. When you invest in underfloor insulation like Expol, you’re investing in a year-round solution to better temperature regulation and energy efficiency.

Underfloor insulation also reduces condensation which decreases your chances of your home being damp and mould developing.

Installing insulation is also a draught-proofing strategy for your home.

What is draught-proofing?

According to Sustainability Victoria, up to 25 per cent of winter heat loss in existing homes is caused by draughts, while nine out of 10 homes in Victoria have unwanted draughts. The effects are worse during the extremes of summer and winter when it is more difficult to lock in comfortable temperatures because indoor air can easily be lost outdoors through the multitude of draughty areas.

The art of draught-proofing is all about finding and fixing draughts to make your home more comfortable and energy-efficient. While draughts are similar to ventilation, they are uncontrolled so tend to let too much cold air in and conversely let too much hot air out.

Draught proofing, such as installing expanded polystyrene underfloor insulation like Expol, minimises the amount of warm air that escapes during winter and the amount of hot air that enters in summer.

Installing underfloor insulation saves energy and money

By reducing draughts and the flow of heat by installing underfloor insulation, you’ll rely less on artificial heating and cooling, which results in lower energy bills.

Sustainability Victoria says that insulation is the cornerstone of an energy-efficient home and is the most cost-effective way to improve the energy efficiency and comfort of your home. They estimate that a fully insulated home compared to a non-insulated home can reduce the cost of heating and cooling a home by around 40 to 50 per cent.

Save the environment

For many years, our society has relied on fossil fuels for energy generation. This has resulted in high levels of greenhouse gas emissions which have been linked to global warming and climate change.

By installing insulation, you are contributing to a more sustainable environment, which reduces energy consumption in homes.

Effective insulation in homes reduces the need for natural gas, propane, fuel oil, and electricity to heat and cool buildings, and reduces the emissions of pollutants such as carbon dioxide, sulphur oxide and nitrogen oxide, and others.

Enjoy the quiet with bonus noise insulation

Unwanted noises from outside your home can enter anywhere that air can like a suspended timber floor. So, as well as eliminating draughts, underfloor insulation is an excellent sound absorber.

It will not only help with outside noise, it also dampens the sound of foot traffic and gives timber floors a more solid feel.

The benefits of Expol underfloor insulation for effective home insulation

Available in a range of sizes, lightweight, and easy to DIY install, Expol underfloor insulation by Foamex is a smart way to start saving money on your energy bills. It is suitable for use in both new and existing homes.

Foamex’s Expol Underfloor Insulation comes with a 50-year limited product warranty and conforms to the minimum thermal resistance rating, with an R-value of 1.4 for timber floors. Expol Underfloor Insulation is available at a range of leading home hardware retailers across Australia and is great for a DIY weekend project for handy homemakers.

Interested in learning more about how Foamex can supply Expol underfloor insulation for your next project? Visit the Expol website to find your closest stockist.